Sounds sensible lesson planner
Sounds sensible lesson planner

sounds sensible lesson planner

Explore moods and feelings and to develop their response to music through dances, by using rhythmic responses and contrasts of speed, shape, direction and travel.Perform movements or patterns, including some from existing dance traditions.Develop control, coordination, balance, poise and elevation in the basic actions of travelling, jumping, turning, gesture and stillness.There is an emphasis on performance and clear indications that dance should be taught in both a creative and a cultural context. The Expressive Arts documents for Scotland and Northern Ireland encourage teachers to develop dance as part of the Arts and PE curriculum. ( Dance in the School Curriculum, a paper by the National Dance Teacher’s Association and others).ĭance is acknowledged as a vital ingredient of a child’s education in the National Curriculum. In a broad and balanced curriculum, this important area of human experience should not be neglected.' It provides aesthetic and cultural education, opportunities for personal expression, and it also introduces students to a wealth of traditional, social and theatrical forms. Through its use of non-verbal communication, children are able to participate in away that differs from any other area of learning. 'Dance makes a distinctive contribution to the education of all children in that it uses the most fundamental mode of human expression - movement. These Primary Dance resources and the National Curriculum However, using the download mp3 file ensures you will avoid any danger of 'buffering' during playback. The streaming files are perfectly reliable if you have a robust internet connection. The dance sessions are also available as streaming files from each of the individual website pages. You can then arrange convenient playback either from a computer or from an mp3 player, such as a smart phone. The audio for teach dance session is available to download as an mp3 file. Give the children a sense of your own enthusiasm.

sounds sensible lesson planner

Help the children to observe each other’s movement in a positive light and to learn from their observations.Reinforce the importance of safety - eg awareness of others to avoid collisions, spacing, sensible landings (with the whole foot, flexing as it comes down and knees bending).Some tips to help you get the best out of the dance sessions. The children should be in PE kit to allow easy movement and to ensure that they do not become too hot.Įncourage the children to listen carefully right from the start – not just to the presenter but also to the music. Bare feet give a good sense of contact with the floor, if your floor is safe. Make sure the children dance in gym shoes or bare feet. Check that the loudspeaker is facing the children to ensure the best possible listening environment. Use the best equipment that the school has to offer for playback. You will need plenty of space for your group to use these resources safely - the hall or a cleared and swept classroom or similar large space is ideal.

Sounds sensible lesson planner